- Category A, B, or E members shall fill the offices of President, President-Elect and Vice President (See Article III, Section 1). In addition, these officers will be AOTA members. 2. Category A, B, D, or E members shall fill all other officer positions.
- The President and the President-Elect and the Vice President shall be voting members in good standing and have a minimum of two years of experience accrued from serving on WOTA Committees or the WOTA Executive Board.
- The Continuing Education Chair shall be elected for a term of four years. The first of which shall be served as Continuing Education Chair-Elect; two years as Continuing Education Chair and one year as past Continuing Education Chair.
- In addition, the President and President Elect, and Vice President shall have at least two years of active practice or comparable qualifications.
- The President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any covered employees or contractors must be bondable.
- Other officers shall be voting members in good standing and have not less than one year of active practice or comparable qualifications.
Terms of Office
- Officers elected shall assume office July 1st.
- The President shall be elected for a term of four years. The first of which shall be served as President-Elect; two years as President and one year as past President.
- The Vice President, OTA Rep, Treasurer, and Secretary shall have a term of one year. 4. No officer shall serve in more than one elected office at one time.
- An officer who has served more than half of the term of office shall be considered to have served a full term.
- Written notice of resignation of office shall be sent to the Executive Board as soon as possible if the officer is unable to complete the term. The remainder of the term shall be filled according to Article VI, Section 13.
- Shall be the chief executive officer of WOTA, and shall preside at all regular, annual, special meetings of the association, and Executive Board Meetings.
- Shall appoint committee and community of practice chairs for unfilled or non-elected chair positions.
- Shall appoint a task force yearly to review and revise as needed the policies and procedures, and present changes to the Executive Board for a vote. 4. Shall be ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations Committee. 5. May create ad hoc committees and appoint chairs for such committees. 6. Shall have power to sign all written obligations of WOTA and shall exercise general supervision and active management of WOTA under the approval of the Executive Board. 7. Shall approve all expenditures of the Treasurer.
- Shall serve as WOTA Executive Board liaison to WOTA’s lobbyist.
- Shall prepare and present the annual report to the membership at the business meeting. 10. Shall meet and submit all requirements to AOTA.
- Shall serve on the AOTA Affiliated State Association Presidents (ASAP). 12. Shall perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.
- Shall prepare for the duties of the president by becoming familiar with the duties of all officers of the Association and with the activities of all committees of the Association.
- 2Shall serve on one or more committees selected by the President, with concurrence of the Executive Board.
- Shall perform all duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Executive Board.
- Shall be responsible for planning and coordinating the WOTA Annual Planning Meeting.
- Shall discharge presidential duties in the absence of the President.
- Shall facilitate the realization of WOTA’s Strategic Plan.
- Shall serve as a member on one or more committees as selected by the President with concurrence of the Executive Board.
- Shall plan orientation for newly elected members of the Executive Board.
- Shall perform all duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Executive Board.
- Shall discharge presidential duties in the absence of the President.
- Shall facilitate the realization of WOTA’s Strategic Plan.
Vice President
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President and President-Elect or Past President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the presidency until the end of the Vice President’s term.
- Shall assume duties as delegated by the President or by the Executive Board.
- Shall oversee procurement and management of sponsorship for WOTA.
- Shall serve as chair of the Nominations and Awards Committee.
- Shall serve as an active member of the Continuing Education Committee.
- Shall prepare and send to the membership a dual slate, whenever possible, of candidates for each elected position to be filled.
- Shall facilitate updating the website with call for awards and nominations and with new Executive Board member information once elected.
- Shall organize and implement all WOTA awards.
- Shall be responsible for the minutes and member attendance of the meetings of WOTA and the Executive Board.
- Shall be responsible for managing all official WOTA documents, as listed in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
- 3. Shall be responsible to maintain electronic copies of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as established by the Executive Board.
- Shall facilitate and oversee newsletter content.
- Shall oversee WOTA social media management.
- Shall perform all duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Executive Board.
- Shall oversee collection of all dues, fees, and other monies paid into or belonging to WOTA.
- Shall oversee disbursement of funds and payment of all WOTA bills.
- Shall be responsible for full and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of WOTA. The Executive Board must approve any non-budgeted amount.
- Shall assist the Audit Committee with an audit of the records.
- Shall report at the annual meeting, and submit to the Executive Board, at intervals determined by the Executive Board, a written statement of financial status of WOTA. 6. Shall assist the Budget Committee in preparing and presenting the next year’s proposed budget.
- Shall ensure the preparation and accuracy of the required state and federal financial documents.
- Shall serve on the Budget Committee.
- Shall perform other duties as delegated by the President or by the Executive Board.
CHAIRS – Duties
Budget Chair
- Shall serve as chair of the Budget Committee which shall include the Treasurer, President or President-Elect or Past-President and least one other WOTA member. 2. Shall prepare a proposed budget for the coming year and submit it, in a timely manner, to a vote of WOTA Board for approval. Board quorum shall validate the vote and a majority shall rule.
- Shall be responsible for monitoring the fiscal viability of WOTA and advise the Board of pertinent findings.
- Shall monitor procedures pertinent to fundraising.
- Shall examine the treasurer’s records to be sure that all money received has been accounted for, that there are receipts for all disbursements, and that expenditures were authorized.
- Shall examine bank statements for a balance between the bank and treasurer’s records. 7. Shall perform a financial review twice each year and submit a written report to the Board. 8. Shall serve as liaison with a qualified professional to examine the books at the request of the committee and/or discretion of the Board.
- Shall serve a term of one year.
Legislative Chair
- Shall serve as chair of the Legislative Committee.
- Shall work closely with WOTA’s lobbyist to identify, develop, and implement WOTA’s legislative priorities.
- Shall serve a term of one year.
Membership Chair
- Shall serve as chair of the Membership Committee.
- Shall serve as WOTA Student Representative liaison to the Executive Board.
- Shall regularly facilitate social media/newsletter content for membership content.
- Shall facilitate updates to the website pertaining to membership drives and overall membership numbers.
- Shall serve a term of one year.
Continuing Education Chair
- Shall serve as chair of the Continuing Education Committee.
- Assumes responsibility for WOTA’s Educational Programming, including: WOTACON; any workshops providing CE credits; and online education.
- The Continuing Education Chair shall be elected for a term of four years. The first of which shall be served as Continuing Education Chair-Elect; two years as Continuing Education Chair and one year as past Continuing Education Chair.
Continuing Education Chair–Elect
- Under the oversight of Continuing Education Chair, shall serve as a liaison to the Board, as requested by Chair.
- Shall participate in the work of the Continuing Education Committee as instructed by the Continuing Education Chair.
Past Continuing Education Chair
- Shall be the Continuing Education Chair from the previous year.
- Shall serve as a resource and mentor to the current Continuing Education Chair and shall accept duties as assigned from them.
OTA Representative
- Shall serve on two committees and assume duties as delegated by the President and/or Executive Board.
- Shall provide liaison for OTA WOTA members to the Board.
- Shall serve as the OTA representative to identify issues and concerns of the OTA community.
- Shall serve a term of one year.
Section 5. AOTA Representation
AOTA Representative. Qualifications and duties:
- Shall be elected in accordance with AOTA bylaws.
- Shall be filled according to AOTA bylaws.
- Shall fulfill duties stated in the AOTA bylaws.
- Shall serve for a term as specified by the AOTA bylaws.