This webinar is offered for a limited time only. Access begins on Monday, June 22 at 12:00 PM and ends on Sunday, July 12 at 11:45 PM
You will receive your certificate within 2-3 weeks of the webinar end date
Click on the ENROLL NOW button in the top right corner (laptop), or bottom of the page (mobile device). Once you click on that button it will update to START NOW. Click on that button to begin the course.
After you have completed watching a video in a section, click on the COMPLETE LESSON button in the top right corner.
You would start by returning to the Welcome to WOTA Virtual page to reset permissions, and follow the login instructions again. Once you have reached the Webinar landing page, click on CONTINUE TO LESSON.
If you are receiving the prompt below, please return to the Welcome Page to reset your permissions and proceed with the login instructions.
- Start by clicking on this link to Manage Account
- Login with the password sent to you when requesting your password
- You will be taken to the manage account section and should default on the ABOUT tab.
- Click on the CHANGE button
- Click on SAVE & CONTINUE
- You can access your certificates by selecting MANAGE ACCOUNT from the Members menu bar (or click the link here).
- Login to your account
- Click on the CERTIFICATES tab
- Click on DOWNLOAD
IMPORTANT NOTE: We recommend that you download and save your certificates as soon as you can. Although we provide easy access to digital files, it is always best practice to keep your own copies in the case that there are any server issues. Also note that the Certificates tab does not show up until you have a certificate uploaded.
If you were not able to address your issue or question in the FAQ, please feel free to reach out to us at
Members can post questions to our Pediatrics COP Forum, and the presenters will be able to respond there.
Good news! The amount you paid to register can be applied to help cover the cost of a new membership. Reach out to in order to receive a discount code for membership.